A post out of nowhere without purpose

There are lots of changes happening in life at the moment. I am equally scared, excited, worried and calm - all at the same time.
I believe there are events in life that trigger changes. I have had my thoughts and feelings on what I want to do in life for a long time, but I haven't done much about it. Instead, I have been chugging away at my 9-5 desk job. Three promotions all within five years. It may sound impressive to some, but for me it was only a reminder that while I was putting all this hard work into a job I did not enjoy, the world was passing by outside. 
These certain events that happened in my life recently that I am referring to, prompted me to really stop and ask myself. What is it that I really want and what am I doing to pursue those things? To be honest, I am not sure. But perhaps an indication can be, what did I use to do before that no one told me to do? It made me realise; things I used to be passionate about, like writing, I don't do anymore. For about three years in my teens I played the guitar an hour every day. Somehow, these things that I would simply do for the fun of it, had been left behind, forgotten.
So, that's why I am sat here. Writing a post on this blog. I don't even know why I am writing this. But I think that's the whole point, the things you do don't always have the have a purpose. They don't have to reach a certain standard. Who cares if what you write isn't any good, as long as you enjoy it yourself. 
That is what I will try to do. I won't stop at "I'm fine", or "my weekend was nothing special". All these little moments that pass by, I'm going to make sure I spend them doing something I enjoy.
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